Award winning Artificial Intelligence for Food Inspection and Traceability

+++ Press Release +++

QS Monitor and PowerBrain.Shop® launch revolutionary Supply Chain Monitoring

Dubai, UAE / Eindhoven, NL, November 18, 2020 — The innovative Supply Chain Monitoring platform QS Monitor™ has won the UAE government FoodTech Challenge based on their revolutionary inspection and traceability system powered by AI PowerBrain™ Artificial Intelligence technology.

Under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, the FoodTech Challenge was organized by the UAE Food and Water Security Office and Tamkeen to identify the latest solutions of global and regional food security relevance.

Food entering the UAE has to meet the required high safety and quality standards. At present around 12-17% of food coming into the UAE from 172 countries every year is rejected for failing to meet the quality standards – part of an estimated USD 4 billion in food waste each year. QS Monitor helps reduce waste using the artificial intelligence of PowerBrain.Shop®. The solution also benefits producers who access the safety and quality standards needed to produce and export food safely to the UAE.

Edge AI PowerBrains™ are Artificial Intelligence (AI) products designed to meet the needs of typical AI use case scenarios of Internet of Things (IoT) solution-providers. By easily and economically adding AI to IoT solutions, this enables unprecedented and rapid innovation for sectors such as supply chain monitoring. Included in the next generation of inspection and traceability platform from QS Monitor™, AI PowerBrains™ run in a portable and scalable fashion in all types of embedded systems and on all hardware platforms.

“QS Monitor™ are proud to offer a unique and cutting-edge AI powered supply chain monitoring platform which does not depend on internet access or mobile network coverage. This breakthrough innovation enables QS Monitor to monitor food supply chains even in the most remote places, in the air and underground.” says Burak Karapinar, CEO of QS Monitor™.

QS Monitor and PowerBrain.Shop® have partnered to advance mass market adoption of the AI powered innovative Supply Chain Monitoring platform.

“AI PowerBrains™ has enabled our partners QS Monitor™ and their customers worldwide to reach the next revolutionary milestone in the mass market adoption of industry-quality Edge Artificial Intelligence” says Samuel T. Staehle, founder and CEO of PowerBrain.Shop®. “Promoting our co-operation at this leading event in the UAE is another milestone on our way forward – making our world a better place by embracing the latest artificial intelligent technologies to help solving global supply chain problems”.


© 2020 POWERBRAINSHOP Holding Corporation


Peter Hohlwegler
Marketing Manager
Bonn, Germany

Burak Karapinar
CEO of QS Monitor
Dubai, UAE


About QS Monitor

QS Monitor is an award-winning, leading platform for supply chain monitoring powered by IoT and AI which provides real-time information to governments and traders. It collects, analyses and learns critical food safety data and provides feedback to suppliers to prevent factors that create unsafe food. QS Monitor uses IoT for next generation food traceability called nowcasting. AI is used for risk management by broadening the data analytics of the rejected goods and other data such as weather, drought, productivity, supplier certification and market prices.  

For more information, visit and on LinkedIn.


About POWERBRAINSHOP Holding Corporation

PowerBrain.Shop® is a fast-growing software vendor with a European team and a global footprint, developing the next generation product development and training platform for Artificial Intelligence and powerful AI software ‘brains’ – its AI PowerBrains™. It pushes through the impossible by enabling the next disruptive step of the mass market adoption of AI by advancing easy AI development, training, validation and quality assurance, deployment and monitoring at various use cases scenarios across different industry verticals, businesses and organizations. As thought leader in Artificial Intelligence, we partner with those who move the world forward.

For more information, visit www.PowerBrain.Shop and on LinkedIn.