
Mit dezentraler KI zu sichereren Prozessen am Beispiel der Energiewirtschaft

Dezentrale künstliche Intelligenz in AI PowerBrains™ verändert die Art und Weise, wie wir die Automatisierung in der Energiewirtschaft angehen. In unserem neusten Whitepaper beleuchten wir exemplarisch, wie diese Technologien dazu beitragen, die Sicherheit und Effizienz von Umspannanlagen zu steigern. Lernen Sie die Vorteile kennen, die […]

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Whitepaper zur Erkennung von Energieverbrauchs-Anomalien durch künstliche Intelligenz

In diesem Whitepaper [hier in Englisch herunterladen] skizziert Zied Moalla alle relevanten Aspekte und Details zur Erkennung von nicht-technischen Verlusten im Energiesektor mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI). Dieser neue, von Edge AI unterstützte Ansatz zur Erkennung und kontinuierlichen Bekämpfung aller Arten von Energieverlusten bleibt ein Schlüsselfaktor […]

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Entwicklung eines Business Case für Predictive Maintenance

In diesem Whitepaper [download in English here] beschreibt Ghazi Chebbi alle Details, die für die Entwicklung eines Business Case für die Anwendung künstlicher Intelligenz für Predictive Maintenance von Assets unterschiedlicher Industrien und Anwendungsfälle relevant sind.

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Artificial Intelligence improving leading African online education solutions of eShuri

PowerBrain.Shop® AI PowerBrains™ supporting the digitalization of Africa’s education sector with next generation Edge Artificial Intelligence. Eindhoven, December 7, 2021 /PowerBrainShop/eShuri/ — Learning supported by AI powered student performance assessment PowerBrain.Shop® is teaming up with eShuri Ltd. of Kigali, Rwanda, to supply next generation Edge […]

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Künstliche Intelligenz von PowerBrain.Shop® in führenden Automatisierungs-Lösungen von WAGO

WAGO Produkte einfach mit künstlicher Intelligenz ausrüsten - mit AI PowerBrains™ von PowerBrain.Shop® Düsseldorf, 4. März 2021 /PowerBrainShop/ -- WAGO Komponenten können nun bequem und effizient mit künstlicher Intelligenz in Form modularer AI PowerBrains™ von PowerBrain.Shop® ausgerüstet werden. Das Internet-unabhängige Trainieren und Überwachen von Prozessen, Anlagen, Maschinen und ihrer Sensoren sowie die intelligente Erkennung komplexer Anomalien auf Basis der state-of-the-art Edge AI PowerBrain™ Technologie wird damit jedem WAGO Anwender und Lösungslieferanten ermöglicht - und lässt sich lückenlos und effizient in bestehende Abläufe und Systeme integrieren. Komplexes Prozess-, Maschinen- oder Anlagen-Verhalten kann mittels Edge AI autark vor Ort und ohne Netzwerk-abhängigkeit mit Sensoren überwacht, analysiert und dokumentiert werden, so dass etwaiger Wartungsbedarf oder technische Fehlerzustände schnell identifiziert, lokalisiert, eingeschätzt und behoben werden können. Somit werden Stillstände...

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Award winning Artificial Intelligence for Food Inspection and Traceability

+++ Press Release +++QS Monitor and PowerBrain.Shop® launch revolutionary Supply Chain Monitoring Dubai, UAE / Eindhoven, NL, November 18, 2020 -- The innovative Supply Chain Monitoring platform QS Monitor™ has won the UAE government FoodTech Challenge based on their revolutionary inspection and traceability system powered by AI PowerBrain™ Artificial Intelligence technology. Under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, the FoodTech Challenge was organized by the UAE Food and Water Security Office and Tamkeen to identify the latest solutions of global and regional food security relevance. Food entering the UAE has to meet the required high safety and quality standards. At present around 12-17% of food coming into the UAE from 172...

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At the TIP Summit in Abu Dhabi, UAE, the Artificial Intelligence software company PowerBrain.Shop® announced the release of its monitoring and predictive maintenance AI IoT PowerBrain™ B2B product.

Artificial Intelligence Company PowerBrain.Shop® Launches New IoT Product Next-generation AI company announced the release of its monitoring and predictive maintenance AI IoT PowerBrain™. Abu Dhabi, UAE / Eindhoven, NL, February 3, 2020 /PowerBrainShop/ -- At the TIP Summit in Abu Dhabi, UAE, the Artificial Intelligence software company PowerBrain.Shop® announced the release of its monitoring and predictive maintenance AI IoT PowerBrain™ B2B product. Technology Innovation Pioneers (TIP), an initiative launched by the Ministry of Economy, Department of Economic Development, Department of Health and the Environment Agency in Abu Dhabi in line with the National Strategy for Innovation, invited PowerBrain.Shop® to present its revolutionary AI PowerBrains™ technology at the TIP 2020 summit helping advance the entrepreneurial ecosystem that will solve important challenges in the UAE and the...

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AIPBS Finalist @ TIP Innovative Start-Ups Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, February 4 – 5th, 2020

After being evaluated over several months by high-technology experts of the TIP Summit and the ministries of the UAE, PowerBrainShop and its Artificial Intelligence offering has finally been selected as one of the finalists being invited to Abu Dhabi, UAE, from February 4 – 5th, 2020, to be on site and pitch its innovative AI products to customers, investors and sales channel partners and distributors. To learn more about PowerBrain.Shop's AI PowerBrains capabilities just visit our exhibition stand and our presentation slots: 2020 TIP Summit – Conference AreaNew York UniversitySaadiyat Marina DistrictAbu DhabiUAE

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PBS @ 7th Annual AI and Big Data Conference, USA, August 20 – 22nd, 2019

Samuel will be speaking and leading the panel ‘AI for Finance’ at the 7th Annual AI and Big Data Conference, USA, August 20 – 22nd, 2019. To learn more about PowerBrain.Shop's AI PowerBrains capabilities, join us at the Santa Clara Convention Center5001 Great American ParkwaySanta Clara, CaliforniaUSA

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#cleanworld challenge launched by Novarum Sky and artificial intelligence provider PowerBrain.Shop®

Next-generation Artificial Intelligence software developer PowerBrain.Shop® and Drone solution provider Novarum Sky announced launch of #cleanworld challenge Eindhoven, June 25, 2019 /PowerBrainShop/, São Paulo, June 25, 2019 /Novarum Sky/ The Drone solution provider Novarum Sky and their artificial intelligence (AI) technology partner PowerBrain.Shop® announced a joint initiative aimed at driving the development and application of environmental protection solutions – leveraging the latest AI and Drone technologies. Inspired by their passion for the Fridays for Future (#fridaysforfuture) movement and the Trashtag challenge (#trashtag) the Brasilian CEO of Novarum Sky, Mr João Marcelo Correa and German CEO and Chairman of the Board of PowerBrain.Shop®, Mr. Samuel Thomas Staehle, would like to invite the public to assist in developing the next generation of artificially intelligent cleaning technology solutions...

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HMI Hannover Messe International 2019

On Tuesday, 2019-04-01, PowerBrain.Shop®’s executives are going to be at the SIEMENS MindSphere Lounge in Hall 8 of the Hannover Messe International in Hannover, Germany. Here we are going to have meetings with various SIEMENS technology and business unit managers from around the SIEMENS world, […]

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Embedded World 2019

At this years Embedded World 2019 in Nürnberg, Germany, PowerBrain.Shop®’s executives enjoyed very successful talks with various technology partners, IoT Gateway Suppliers and IoT Design Houses for the Digitalization related solutions for customers of various industry segments and the global market. Lots of very positive […]

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E-world Energy & Water 2019

At the E-world Energy & Water 2019 in Essen, Germany, PowerBrain.Shop®’s executives had very successful talks with various technology suppliers and design houses for Smart Energy, IoT and Digitalization related solutions for customers of the energy and water utilities segment as well as public sector […]

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