AI PowerBrain.Shop delivers enterprise Artificial Intelligence for Companies and Manufacturerers
As a software technology supplier of ‘Plug and Play’ artificial intelligence (B2B), we exist to simplify, scale and make AI affordable and apply it to address global problems whose solution improves life.
On the world market, one can observe numerous drivers away from the old AI operation in centralized data centers - and towards the implementation of AI solutions based on autonomous, standardized artificial intelligence (AI) in devices and machines - as an AI product in industrial quality.
AI Vibration Analyzer PowerBrain™
The revolutionary AI Vibration Analyzer PowerBrain ™ is a standardized and customer-trained AI software including training models which can monitor and analyze multi-dimensional sensor data streams in different formats. Their innovative self-learning abilities allow the super flexible observation and learning of the most varied mixes of sensor data streams and their patterns for process industries or, for example, manufacturers of systems and machines. Of course, PowerBrain.Shop’s AI PowerBrains ™ can be delivered to ALL IoT gateway manufacturers.
The AI Vibration Analyzer PowerBrain ™ allows you to concentrate on value-adding AI integration instead of tying up valuable resources for the development and maintenance of the complexity of AI algorithms and complex AI data structures and models. Furthermore, our AI technology enables manufacturers of devices, machines and systems to develop and maintain new products, machines and systems that have been expanded to include AI capabilities, simply and cost-effectively.
The revolutionary AI Analog Sensor PowerBrain ™ is a standardized and customer-trained AI software including training models which can monitor and analyze multi-dimensional sensor data streams in different formats. Their innovative self-learning abilities allow the super flexible observation and learning of the most varied mixes of sensor data streams and their patterns for process industries or, for example, manufacturers of systems and machines. Of course, PowerBrain.Shop’s AI PowerBrains ™ can be delivered to ALL IoT gateway manufacturers.
The AI Analog Sensor PowerBrain ™ allows you to concentrate on value-adding AI integration instead of tying up valuable resources for the development and maintenance of the complexity of AI algorithms and complex AI data structures and models. Furthermore, our AI technology enables manufacturers of devices, machines and systems to develop and maintain new products, machines and systems that have been expanded to include AI capabilities, simply and cost-effectively.
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Day handsome addition horrible sensible goodness two contempt. Evening for married his account removal. Estimable me disposing of be moonlight cordially curiosity. Delay rapid joy share allow age manor six. Went why far saw many knew. Exquisite excellent son gentleman acuteness her. Do is voice total power mr ye might round still.
Speech assistance for phone, chat and text. Automate your workflows and customer processes using artificial intelligence
With a focus on customer service dialogues, the AI VoiceAssistant PowerBrain™ automates the processing of customer transactions via telephone and online chat 100% - and can be integrated into all backend systems.
This helps to drastically reduce the OPEX of customer service centres.
Day handsome addition horrible sensible goodness two contempt. Evening for married his account removal. Estimable me disposing of be moonlight cordially curiosity. Delay rapid joy share allow age manor six. Went why far saw many knew. Exquisite excellent son gentleman acuteness her. Do is voice total power mr ye might round still.
Day handsome addition horrible sensible goodness two contempt. Evening for married his account removal. Estimable me disposing of be moonlight cordially curiosity. Delay rapid joy share allow age manor six. Went why far saw many knew. Exquisite excellent son gentleman acuteness her. Do is voice total power mr ye might round still.
Sprachassistenz für Telefon, Chat und Text. Automatisieren Sie ihre Workflows und Kundenvorgänge mittels künstlicher Intelligenz
Mit einem Fokus auf Kundenservice-Dialogen automatisiert das AI VoiceAssistant PowerBrain™ die Verarbeitung von Kundenvorgängen via Telefon und online Chat zu 100% – und kann in alle Backend-Systeme integriert werden.
Hierdurch hilft es die OPEX der Kundenservice-Zentren drastisch zu reduzieren.
We offer Artificial Intelligence and Data Science industry technology project consulting.
Here we apply our experience and industry know-how together with cutting edge machine learning and artificial intelligence to rapidly and repeatedly deliver you insights and advantages from your data.