AI Voiceassistent PowerBrain™

The AI Voiceassistent PowerBrain™ processes complex natural language in online chats, telephone conversations or in emails.

This enables sentiment detection as well as automatic processing of customer requests and workflows.


Recognizing and Processing Natural Language

Natural language in online chats, emails and telephone calls can be processed and replied to.

AI Processing of Analog Sensor Data

Various measurements such as temperature, pressure, RPM and speed can easily be processed by our AI module in systems on site at low memory and computing performence requirements.

Mixed Sensor Data Processing

Several sensors data streams can be processed at once allowing deeper insight into the asset condition, its current behaviour and state.

Moving Equipment

Across all industries moving equipment such as vehicles and drives can easily be monitored and service need detected as early as technically possible. e.g. immediately after a harvester started driving the AI PowerBrain™ can detect whether the hydraulic pressure is normal for the current speed and temperature, enabling warnings of hydraulic issues before arrival at its far away harvesting destination.

Energy Consuming Assets

Across all industries power consuming equipment such as electric motors and gearboxes can easily be monitored and service need detected. e.g. a changed power consumption at a certain pumping volume may indicate wear and tear of the pump or an issue with the motor/gearbox and the need for maintenance service before serious defects occur.

AI Power Grids

Across the energy industry there is a need for automatic analysis and learning of normal and unusual behaviour and power flows and losses - helping detect need for service and/or re-configuration much earlier. e.g. an AI enabled secondary substation or Ring Main Unit (RMU/Transformer) can learn the usual power consumption at its low voltage feeders and detect additional prosumers as well as consumers, helping the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) balance the power grid and optimize infrastructure capacities.

The Leading Artificial Intelligence Communication Platform

The revolutionary AI Voice Assistant PowerBrain™ is capable of implementing a telephone voice robot and online ChatBot to automate Customer Communication with Artificial Intelligence.

With emphasis on customer service dialogues the AI VoiceAssistant PowerBrain™ automates the processing of customer queries by 100% via telephone and online chat – and fully integrates with all backend systems.

This way it helps dramatically reducing the OPEX of customer service centers.


Customized and trained voice assistant for energy end-customers in natural language and in writing in professional customer service quality.


• Pre-Trained Artificial Intelligence for the domain and end-customer requests of energy utilities

• Artificially intelligent understanding and comprehension of the natural language of end-customers voice in telephone systems and in writing in online Chat systems

• Intelligent classification of customer requests and demands

• Natural voice and communication flow

• Template-based and customizable dialogue-modules

• Flexible and modular extension with additional dialogues, domains and levels of detailling

• Interfaces for integration in all ICT legacy systems and processes including websites and Smart Phone Browsers

• Easy adjustment to Corporate Identity (CI) colour schemes etc.

• EU GDPR compliant

Added Value

• Super scalable automation and optimization of end-customer services in a systematic process

• Relief of the customer service team of routine jobs

• Increase of customer service quality with 24/7 availability

• Digital recording and monitoring of all customer interactions for analysis, reporting and systematic optimization

• Optimization of the process landscape by automation and OPEX reduction

• Market-Positioning as innovative company with artificial intelligence









Offering Impressions


Future of AI (pdf)

Today's applications and vision of future developments of AI

SYS TEC electronic AG

Deutsch: SYS-TEC and electronic Edge AI


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